Lecture / Symposium
Invited talk by Barbara Imhof on Space Architecture at the convening of the Förderkreis 1669 and the University of Innsbruck Foundation as part of a special event with Dr. Josef Aschbacher, ESA General Director at the University of Innsbruck. 19.2.2025
Invited keynote by René Waclavicek about his professional experience: ‘The extreme scarcity of resources such as space, materials, water and oxygen is evident in the designs presented for space stations, lunar and Martian bases and research facilities in the eternal ice.’ Zentrum Baukultur Rheinland-Pfalz, Main, Germany. 16.1.2025
Autonomous construction on the moon. Barbara Imhof alongside Sarah Jane Pell, Thomas Vögele, Phil Metzger, Makthoum Mohamed held a panel as part of the ESA BSGN conference titled “Space for Inspiration” in the Lunar Infrastructure Section on 5.12.2024 in Luxembourg.
Am Horizont der rote Planet. Barbara Imhof invited for a keynote lecture as part of the opening ceremoy of the exhibiton MARS. Die Entdeckung des roten Planeten (the discovery of planet Mars). Haus der Natur, Salzburg, Austria. 28.11.2024
Research methods. Barbara Imhof was invited to talk about how to start and conduct research and projects. University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria. 14.11.2024
Designing for Two Worlds. Barbara Imhof and René Waclavicek to teach and lecture as part of the 3rd edition of the Space Architecture Workshop at the School of Disruption, TitanSwiss. Milan, Italy 15.-19.7.2024
Mars-Habitat 101- Architektur für die Besiedlung einer neuen Welt. Invited lecture as part of the symposium Schule und Weltraum. VEGA Sternwarte Haus der Natur, am Haunsberg, Salzburg. 7.6.2024
Transformative Kraft von Meditation und Architektur. Symposium as part of Kulturhauptstadt Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024, moderated by Sabine Kienzer (curator, journalist), panel: Elisabeth Schweeger (cultural manager,
dramaturgy, cultural managing director Kulturhauptstadt Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024), Barbara Imhof (architect), Eric Solomon (writer, buddist teacher), 8.6.2024, Scharnstein, Austria
As part of the exhibition “Poetics of Encryption” curator Nadim Samman will moderate a conversation on Inhabiting SHEE between the artist Juliana Cerqueira Leite and space architect Barbara Imhof, 26 May 24, 4 pm, at the KW Institute for Contemporary Art – KUNST-WERKE BERLIN e. V.
Vehicle and lander design for human planetary exploration. Barbara Imhof to talk and lead an interdisciplinary workshop at the International Space University, Strasbourg. 12.4. and 15./16.April 2024
Living Beyond Earth. Architecture for Extreme Environments. Barbara Imhof was invited to a talk at the art academy in Tallinn – EKA. The dean of the architecture faculity Sille Pihlak welcomed LIQUIFER member for an open lecture titled “Living Beyond Earth. Architecture for Extreme Environments”. 2. April 2024
Designing for Earth by Living in Space. Barbara Imhof and René Waclavicek a co-curated a 5 day long workshop with the School of Disruption/SIDI International that asked: Can Space Architecture provide new perspectives for sustainable terrestrial architecture?
12th-16th June 2023
Space Architecture Technical Committee Gathering. Barbarba Imhof was one of the speakers during the one day hybrid event in LA organised by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Other speakers included Olga Bannova, Melodie Yashar, Sandra Haeuplik-Meusburger, Marc M. Cohen, Brand Griffin, Alma Kugic, Paolo Caratelli, Vittorio Netti, Thambi Thangavelu and Sam Ximenes.
15 April 2023
The Bartlett Lectures. As part of the new Bio-Integrated Design Masters Course at UCL, London, Barbara Imhof was invited to give a lecture on Space Architecture and Bio-Integrated Design.
March 2023
30 NOV 2022
Designing for Earth by living in Space. Barbara Imhof shows how architecture is developing beyond the boundaries of our planet to study zero-waste housing systems, in which every available resource becomes essential for survival. This talk was given at a TEDx event in Mestre, Italy, using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
13 NOV 2022
CO-CORPOREALITY: OF HUMANS, MACHINES & MICROBES. Book launch and round table for the publication from the FWF project Co-Corporeality. Editors Barbara Imhof, Daniela Mitterberger and Tiziano Derme invite guests to discuss the cultural and scientific relevance of observing the environment at different scales in order to understand ecological relations and co-corporealities. Hosted by Zentrum Fokus Forschung, University of Applied Arts, Vienna.
18 October 2022
FREDERICK KIESLER: ARTS AND CORREALITIES. Barbara Imhof gives a talk entitles ‘Homo Spatius’ during the ‘Archeology of the future//Prospective scenarios of the past: Activation for the here and now, current discourse’ segment of the symposium. Held at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
20 Oct 2022
International Astronautical Congress IAC 2022 – Paris, Special Session ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF LUNAR EXPLORATION, panelists:
Maria Antonietta Perino, Thales Alenia Space, I; Jean Blouvac, CNES, FR; Stefaan De Mey, ESA, NL; Tanja Masson-Zwaan, University of Leiden, NL; Thomas Schrage, Wolfgang Dürr, Airbus, GER; Smith, Eric Smith, Lockhead Martin, USA; Barbara Imhof, LIQUIFER, A-GER; David Korsmeyer, NASA; moderator Bernard Foing, University of Leiden, NL; Initiator: Michel Blanc, FR. 20 Sepember 2022
SPACE ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN Workshop co-organised by Swiss Institute for Disruptive Innovation SIDI and LIQUIFER, April 25th – May 4th 2022, International Space University, Illkirch-Graffenstaden – France
BUILDING BEYOND. As part of The Bartlett International Lectures Spring 2022, Barbara Imhof, space architect and design researcher and Sonya Dyer, artist and writer, gave lectures before engaging in a dialogue about their work exploring extreme realities and fictions of living in deep space.
14 March 2022
SPACE ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN course (online and on-demand) in collaboration with the Swiss Institute for Disruptive Innovation/School of Disruption
MOON, MARS, FUTURES. Barbara Imhof presents a Keynote entitled “Getting there, being there, staying there” on the second day of ‘The Space Race Conference’ hosted by Sparth and Kosmica Institute. In three parts the lecture explores the possibilities of establishing a sustainable base on Mars in regards to astronauts’ accounts, technological challenges, realities of human life and designing habitats beyond the earth’s horizon. Here is a summary – The Space Race Conference | The Sky was the Limit watch >
4 December 2021
OFF-EARTH MANUFACTURING SYMPOSIUM: HOW TO BUILD A NEW HOME IN SPACE. Barbara Imhof (LIQUIFER) presents Smart Resource Management based on Internet of Things to support off-Earth manufacturing of lunar infrastructures with Antonella Sgambati (AZIMUT-SPACE) & Peter Weiss – SPARTAN SPACE/Zühlke Group as part of ESA’s Discovery Programme.
23 November 2021
ARCHITECTURAL RECIPROCITIES OF THE EARTH-SPACE CONTINUUM. Barbara Imhof and Kai Staats, Executive director of SAM at Biosphere 2 discuss creating self-sufficient systems in space and on Earth with moderation by Phnam Bagley, partner at Non-Fiction Design, for the SpaceConnex Space 4 Women Show.
13 November 2021
HOW TO DEVELOP A SUSTAINABLE LUNAR SURFACE INFRASTRUCTURE. Maria Perino (Thales Alenia Space) moderates a panel discussion with Barbara Imhof (LIQUIFER), Brent Sherwood (Blue Origin), Greg Chavers (NASA), Ludovic Duvet (ESA), Cichan Timothy (Lockheed Martin), Matt Duggan (Boeing) and Roberto Provera (Thales Alenia Space) as part of the 72nd International Astronautical Congress in Dubai.
28 October 2021
CREATIVITY, ORIGINALITY, INGENUITY. A panel discussion was held as part of the ‘Concrete Poetry and Such’ transdisciplinary, experimental symposium at the Kunsthaus Muerz. Moderated by Roman Grabner, Barbara Imhof was in conversation with Mathias Benedek, creativity and intelligence researcher, University of Graz; Sarah Khan, freelance writer, Berlin; Nikolai Tunkowitsch, musician and violin maker, Vienna and Renate C.-Z.-Quehenberger, philosopher and artistic researcher, Vienna.
3 October 2021
Experimental Architecture Biennale Symposium. The LIQUIFER Team present their work as part of a three session symposium with the ROBOTIC BUILDING team at TU Delft and FLOW, CVUT Prague. This is the closing event for the fifth Experimental Architecture Biennale in Prague, looking at Novel Innovations in Architectural practice.
9 August 2021
SPACE DOGS, Following a screening of the Austrian space film SPACE DOGS, Franziska Bechtold moderated a panel discussion with Barbara Imhof; Moritz Novak, TU Wien Space Team; historian Christian Klösch and Norbert Frischauf, Österreichisches Weltraum Forum / Austrian Space Forum. They talked about the development of space travel and their visions for the future.
14 July 2021
Metabolic Processes in Building Systems, Barbara Imhof gives a presentation on the Living Architecture project and other non-human architectural interactions in the LIQUIFER portfolio as part of the biotechnology for the Built Environment Seminar.
8 July 2021
Session 1, ‘Really. . .?’ Theory Workshop with Sanford Kwinter, special guests Barbara Imhof and Brian Boigon speak about inner and outer space and the “membrane” as hard line and permeable division. Supporting theorists: Marina Rodriguez das Neves, Viktoria Luisa Barbo, panel as part of Digital Futures organised by Neil Leach.
27 June 2021
Deployable and Transformable Concepts for Lunar Habitation Elements, Barbara Imhof presents recent LIQUIFER work at the International Space Development Conference 2021 hosted by the National Space Society.
24 June 2021
Building for Space, Barbara Imhof presents as part of the ESERO Austria symposium two significant LIQUIFER space architecture projects: the International Habitat Module of the Lunar Gateway Space Station, which is to be built in lunar orbit from 2026 onwards, and the Regolight project, which uses the lunar resources of sunlight and sand to build radiation-protective domes for astronauts on the lunar surface using 3D-printing.
1 June 2021
Architecture beyond the horizons of Earth. Dr. Barbara Imhof joins the Architects Chamber in Frankfurt, Germany for a table talk.
19 April 2021
Space Futures: Dr. Barbara Imhof presents on futures in Space during Future Day for futurizm.org.
01 March 2021
Out of this world architecture – Building for Extreme Environments. Dr. Barbara Imhof invited to speak on Industry and Science at the ‘The Future of the Moon – A habitat on the moon’ for the School of Architecture Strasbourg.
01 March 2021
18 Feb 2021
Out of this world Architecture with WIA-E Rome. Barbara Imhof, internationally active space architect, design researcher, educator and co-founder of LIQUIFER Vienna and Bremen to give a lecture exploring the implications of space as an environment for future habitation.
15 Dec 2020
Architecture in Space. René Waclavicek was invited by the Society of Engineering Students to give a Lunch Lecture at the Aerospace Engineering Faculty, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
14 December 2020
Moon Bar. Nelly Ben Hayoun interviews Barbara Imhof as part of a non-stop multiperspective conversation for The University of the Underground Multiverse Programme.
7 Dec 2020
DigitalFUTURES: Space Architecture. Barbara Imhof in conversation with Melodie Yashar, SEArch+; Madhu Thangavelu, USC; Enrico Dini, D-Shape and Valentia Sumini, MIT Media Lab, as part of the DigitalFUTURES series hosted by Tongji University, Shanghai. For the 10th Anniversary of DigitalFUTURES conversations will address the implications of Covid 19 for the future of architecture and urban design.
14 Nov 2020
TEST.TUBE Lab 2: HABITAT. Barbara Imhof, Lucie Strecker, Barbis Ruder, Kerstin Bennier, Daniel Aschwanden, Thomas Jelinek amongst others developed and were actors in a collaborative habitat simulation and performance.
6 & 7 November 2020
Humans of Space. Barbara Imhof, Austrian Space Architect, Creator of Habitats & Designer in conversation with Dr. Niamh Shaw, a writer/performer, scientist and award-winning communicator with a mad passion for sharing space with the public.
28 October 2020
Outer Space Architecture Panel, StarDust Squad Online International Science Congress. Barbara Imhof CEO & Co-founder Liquifer panelist alongside Samer El-Sayary, Mars City Design Ambassador for the Middle East; Olga Bannova, Director, SICSA; Melodie Yashar, co-founder of Space Exploration Architecture (SEArch+); Xavier De Kastelier, Principal / Head of Design Technology and Innovation at Hassel & Kriss J. Kennedy, Space Architect, United Space Structures.
3 October 2020
Stories about humans, machines and microbes: Co-Corporeality workshop to investigate the potential of narratives in architectural themes beyond the usual building project. Barbara Imhof moderates a conversation with board members of the Co-Corporeality project: Petra Gruber, Associate Professor, BRIC Core Faculty, Mary Schiller Myers School of Art and the Department of Biology, University of Akron, USA; Philip Beasley, architect, Living Architecture Systems Group (LASG), Toronto, Canada; Rachel Armstrong, Professor of Experimental Architecture, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, UK; Alex Arteaga, head of sub-department “Auditive Architektur”, University of the Arts UdK, Berlin, Germany.
2 October 2020
Women in Space, IoT Tribe Space Endeavour Design Studios I ESA Phi-Week
Panel moderated by Brendan Rowan with Barbara Imhof CEO & Co-Founder, Liquifer; Clara Grigore, COO, Société Genérale; Ghizlaine Amrani, Co-Founder, QuantCube Technology & Skevi Perdikou, Co-Founder, Geofem.
30 September 2020
AIAA Space Architecture Gathering 2020
Barbara Imhof presents the achievements of LIQUIFER in space architecture at the 2020 AIAA Los Angeles – Las Vegas Space Architecture Gathering
22 August 2020.
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Watch here
How to reinvent your business models after COVID-19
Alongside prominent international space figures such as Jan Wörner, ESA Director General and Nick Appleyard, Head of Space Solutions at ESA, Barbara Imhof discusses how we can use space to improve life on Earth during and after the coronavirus pandemic.
Replay of a discussion between European experts on how to reinvent your business model in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Recorded on 15 June 2020.
Growing Structures: Bioinspired Innovation Insights for Architectures and Robotics
Barbara Imhof invited to speak about Space Architecture in relation to the workshop theme as part of the conference Living Machines 2020, 28 July 2020
Out of this world: space Architecture. Barbara Imhof invited to the Istanbul Technical University as part of the Digital Architecture Design Studio “Force Majeure”. 12 May 2020
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2019/2020. Workshop with adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof. 3 February 2020
#heldenreise. Abschied von den Weltraumhelden. Conversation at Das Theater, Staatstheater Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany. Participation by Barbara Imhof. 15 December 2019
COOP / Symposium: #Extreme #Habitat #Naturen. Universität Kassel, Kassel, Germany. Included keynote speaker: René Waclavicek / Moderation in part by Barbara Imhof. 10 December 2019
Global Networking Forum: Martian and Lunar Analogues Discussion. 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington DC, USA. Invited speaker: Barbara Imhof. 24 October 2019
Special Sessions Panel Discussion: Futures Past and Present: Space Architecture in Imagination and Reality. 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington DC, USA. Participation by Barbara Imhof. 23 October 2019
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2019/2020. Lecture Space Architecture by adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof. 4 October 2019
Future Visions. Ars Electronica, Linz; Austria. Invited participant: René Waclavicek. 11 July 2019
Kuala Lumpur Architectural Festival 2019 (KLAF2019: TOMORROW). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Barbara Imhof, lecturer and jury member of the First Colony on Mars: International Ideas Competition. 30-31 May 2019
American University of Beirut, Lebanon. Barbara Imhof gives lecture Building beyond, participates in talks, workshop and student work reviews. 10-12 April 2019
Space Art, Science and Culture – Of Some Visions in/for the 21st Century, Paris, France. a Leonardo/Olats Workshop. Expeditions by invited speaker Barbara Imhof. 24 March 2019
Living and Non-Living Architecture (1st International Seminar), Seville, Spain. Keynote lecture by Waltraut Hoheneder. 14 March 2019
Living Architecture Systems Group Symposium. Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD) University, Toronto, Canada. Topic: Open Boundaries & Expanded Dimensions. Lecture: Space Architecture, by invited guest Barbara Imhof. 2 March 2019
Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) lecture series, Los Angeles, California, USA. the stars look very different today, by Barbara Imhof. 13 February 2019
University of California Santa Barbara, The Mat Seminar Series at California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI), Santa Barbara, California, USA. Lecture by Barbara Imhof. 11 February 2019
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2018/2019. Workshop with adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof. 4 February 2019
Building beyond – jenseits des Erdhorizonts, TECX TALK #8, Berlin, Germany. Lecture by Barbara Imhof in conjunction with SPACE SUIT extended semester project at Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin. 6 November 2018
Conjectural Futures Conference, Berlin, Germany. Foresight talks and workshops for strategists, foresighters, innovators and designers. Included speaker in Session 1: (Inter-)planetary Conjectures, Barbara Imhof. 5 November 2018
Constructing Realities Lecture Series Autumn 2018 at Bartlett School of Architecture, London, United Kingdom. Lecture by space architect Barbara Imhof and artist Sonya Dyer. 18 October 2018
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2018/2019. Lecture Space Architecture by adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof. 8 October 2018
Building Beyond Symposium – Space Architecture Panel in conjunction with the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2018, Bremen, Germany. Participant in discussion, Barbara Imhof. 30 September 2018
Space Architecture Symposium (SAS) by the Space Architecture Technical Committee (SATC), of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), in conjunction with the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2018, Bremen, Germany. Discussion co-organized and co-moderated by Barbara Imhof. 29 September 2018
Future Port, Prague, Czech Republic. Annual festival on future & exponential technologies. René Waclavicek part of speaker series featuring projects RegoLight and URBAN. 7 September 2018
Non-Ordinary Reality – Beyond the Virtual (discussion) hosted by Die Angewandte Wien, at Venice Biennale 2018. Invited panelist Barbara Imhof and With Kutan Ayata, Brian Boigon, Agnieszka Kurant, Sanford Kwinter, Andrew Witt 26 May 2018 – youtube link
AgroSpace-MELiSSA workshop, Rome, Italy. Lecture / paper: Living Architecture: Metabolic Programmable Apps As Part Of Life Support Systems. Authors: Imhof B., Hogle M., Hoheneder W., Armstrong R., Ferracina S., Ieropoulos I., You J., Wallis L., Tsompanas M.A., Nogales J., Garcia J., de Lucrezia D., Cecchi D., Filsetti A., Hanczyc M., Kah O., Radisavljevic N., Pasternak G. 16-18 May 2018
Bio-inspired Material / Bio-inspired architecture Conference at ENSCI Les Ateliers, Paris, France. Built to Grow – Blending Architecture and Biology by invited speaker Barbara Imhof. 26 March 2018
CalArts School of Art, Valencia, California, USA – Paul Brach Lecture Series. Dare to leave the capsule by invited speaker Barbara Imhof. 15 March 2018
Integrated BioSciences Seminar Series (BRIC) 2018, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, USA. Dare to leave the capsule by invited speaker Barbara Imhof. 9 March 2018
Skyberries, Vertical Farming Conference, Vienna, Austria, Session 6: Project Corners – interactive. Keynote speakers: Barbara Imhof and Conrad Zeidler. 1 March 2018
The Future of Today – Mobile World, Mobile Week Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Conversation: Aesthetic perception of zero-g, with the Zero Gravity Team, Barbara Imhof, Albert Barque, Marc Marzenit, and Elisa R. Ferrè. 23 February 2018
Supernova – A Space Architecture Symposium (BouT Symposium), University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands. Invited speaker: Barbara Imhof. 22 February 2018
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2017/2018. Workshop with adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof. 5 February 2018
Weltraum Exploration & Kolonisation, Bad Honnefer Winterseminar, Bad Honnef, Germany. German Physical Society. Lecture: Architektur im Weltraum by René Waclavicek. 2 February 2018
University of the Underground, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Capricorn 2: a Mars Mission Simulation – workshop by Joseph Popper and Barbara Imhof. 29 – 31 January 2018
The New tools for City Development, Nordic Urban Assembly, Bergen, Norway. Invited speaker Barbara Imhof. 24 January 2018
Antarctic Biennale Vision Club Discussion , Pushkin Museum, Moscow, Russia. Moderated by Barbara Imhof. 19 January 2018
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2017/2018. Lecture Space Architecture by adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof. 12 October 2017
Faculty of Health, Arts & Design, School of Design, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Lecture by Barbara Imhof. 6 October 2017
School of Architecture and Built Environment, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia. Speaker Series with Barbara Imhof. 3 October 2017
Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, Ireland. Architecture, Art and Space: a conversation with astronaut/artist Nicole Stott with participant Barbara Imhof. 6 July 2017
International Space University (ISU), Summer Studies Programme (SSP) 2017. Hosted at the Cork Institute of Technology (C.I.T), Cork, Ireland. Lecture Space Architecture by Barbara Imhof. 6 July 2017
Earth without Humans II International Symposium, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Kapelica Gallery. Lecture Getting there. Being there. Staying there. Mars. by Barbara Imhof. 9 June 2017
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2016/2017. Workshop with adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof.
Institut für experimentelle Architektur ./studio3, Innsbruck, Austria. Lecture: And the stars look different today by Barbara Imhof. 21 October 2016
Platform for Urbanism and Landscape Architecture, Urban and Landscape Week 2016 – 20:61 – Dialogues for the Future at University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands. Lecture by Barbara Imhof. 17 October 2016
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2016/2017. Lecture Space Architecture by adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof. 16 September 2016
Madame Mohr Architecture studio, Vienna, Austria. Introduction to LIQUIFER Systems Group by Barbara Imhof. 14 September 2016
Meta.Morf 2016 – ‘Nice to be in orbit!’ Symposium, Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre, Trondheim, Norway. Invited lecturer Barbara Imhof. 14 March 2016
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2015/2016. Workshop with adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2015/2016. Lecture Space Architecture by adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof. 14 October 2015
20th Humans in Space Conference (HIS), Prague, Czech Republic under scientific governance of IAA’s Space Life Sciences Commission. Presentation SHEE – Self-deployable Habitat for Extreme Environments, by Waltraut Hoheneder. 1 July 2015
Planetarium, Vienna, Austria. Lecture We’re the Experiment by Barbara Imhof. 19 March 2015
SPACE: Aspirations of Science, Art and Architecture Symposium part of Summer Semester 2014 studio, H.O.M.E. (Habitability of Mars and Earth), Universität Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Out of this world: designing for space by invited lecturer Barbara Imhof / The City as a Spaceship by invited lecturer Susmita Mohanty. 20 February 2015
2015 IAA (International Academy of Astronautics) Humans in Space Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 June – 3 July 2015. Presentation/Workshop: Human Factors and Habitability for the SHEE test-bed. Authors: Imhof B., Hoheneder W., Waclavicek R., Ransom S., Gancet J., Salini J., Madakashira H.K.
MECS Conference – Computational Design Culture. Scripting, Simulation, and the Making of Architecture, Lüneburg, Germany, 16-17 January 2015. Presentation: And the stars look very different today – Collaboration, Visualization and Simulation Methodologies in Contemporary Space Architecture Practice. Authors: Imhof B.
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2014/2015. Workshop with adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof
Open Lectures at the Aerospace Engineering Department, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt, Vienna, Austria. Lecture: Space Architecture by Barbara Imhof. 12 December 2014
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2014/2015. Lecture: Space Architecture by Barbara Imhof. 20 October 2014
Institute for Art and Architecture, Ecologies II Studio, Summer term, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria. The City as a Spaceship lecture & workshop by Barbara Imhof. 10 March, 12-13, 26 May 2014
Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Taubman College Lecture Series: We are the experiment by Barbara Imhof. 7 October 2014
Mobile: ARCHITECTURE IN MOTION, Paphos, Cyprus, Nomas Workshop & Symposium. Lecture: We are the experiment by Barbara Imhof. 11 September 2014
Ostrale Biennale für zeitgenössiche Kunst, Dresden, Germany, OSTRALE´014 – MISSION 014 – An Art & Space Exhibition. Lecture: Mission Mars by Barbara Imhof. 9 August 2014
Ethiopian Institute for Architecture, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Building Construction and City Development, Architecture and Design III, Addis Ababa University. Open lecture: We are the experiment by Barbara Imhof & Waltraut Hoheneder. 9 June 2014
Vienna Technical Museum, Vienna, Austria. Lecture: Mission Mars by Barbara Imhof. 30 March 2014
ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, Holland. Lecture: Getting there, being there, staying there by Barbara Imhof. 17 March 2014
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2013/2014. Workshop with adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2013/2014. Lecture: Space Architecture by Barbara Imhof. 21 October 2013
19th International Symposium of Electronic Art, Sydney, Australia, Art(ist)s in Space Panel. Guest speaker Barbara Imhof presents Shifting Perspectives. 13 June 2013
Sustainable Space Summit, Liechtenstein Congress 2013, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Lecture Shifting Space Perspectives by Barbara Imhof. 6 June 2013
Institute of Architecture and Planning, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Lecture & Seminar SpaceShipCity 2.0 – Water by Barbara Imhof. 6 May 2013
School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland. Architecture Section, Course: Habiter Mars. Barbara Imhof lectures and leads seminar architecture beyond the earth’s horizon. 18 April 2013
International Space University (ISU), Strasbourg, France, Master in Space Studies Program (MSS) 2012/2013. Workshop with adjunct faculty member Barbara Imhof
Düsseldorf Art Academy, Düsseldorf, Germany. We are the Experiment lecture by Barbara Imhof. 27 November 2012
Art Association Malkasten, Düsseldorf, Germany. We are the Experiment lecture by Barbara Imhof. 27 November 2012
Institute of Architecture and Planning, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Lecture & Seminar SpaceShipCity 1.0 by Barbara Imhof. 29 October 2012