in the Media
Susanne Röck. Architektur für Extreme. Die Gestaltung von Lebensräumen für extreme Umgebungen – sei es im All, auf dem Mond oder in der Antarktis – steht im Fokus von Barbara Imhof, Professorin für Integratives Design an der Uni Innsbruck. Wissenswert, Magazin der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck. Seite 16f. März 2025
Nikolaus Täuber. Wasser für Astronauten – Forscher holen kühles Nass aus Mondstaub. Die Frage nach der Verfügbarkeit von Wasser ist mitentscheidend, ob sich eine mehr oder weniger permanent besetzte Mondbasis jemals realisieren lässt. Ein Forschungsteam mit Beteiligung aus Österreich (LIQUIFER) hat nun im Labor selbst “simuliertes”, pulverisiertes Mondgestein – also Mondregolith – hergestellt und daraus in mehreren Experimenten über drei Liter Wasser gewonnen. Tech / APA / 09.01.2025, 06:01
Theodore Hall. Commerce spreads in low-Earth orbit as government agencies set their sights higher. December 2024. “In March, an industrial consortium managed by LIQUIFER Space Systems of Germany delivered an integrated mockup of Gateway’s International Hab- itation module to the module’s prime contractor, Thales Alenia Space of Italy.” Aerospace America, 2024 Year-In-Review magazine, p.69
20.Nov. 2024. 5:48 Servus TV. How is a village built on the moon? [Wie entsteht ein Dorf auf dem Mond?] After the USA won the space race against the then Soviet Union in 1969, our moon was considered ‘ticked off’ for decades. Now, however, the Artemis mission aims to return humans there permanently. Interview with LIQUIFER [in German].
Mariella Gittler. Leben am Mond: Weltraum-Architektur aus Österreich | ZIB Magazin vom 28.6.2024. How do you build a permanent space station on the moon? International space organisations and the Austrian space architecture firm ‘Liquifer’ are currently researching this. The biggest challenge here is the special materials that can withstand the extreme conditions. [in German]
Jakob Pallinger, Space architects on the design of spaces without gravity. Der Standard podcast. Edition Zukunft. 2.8.2024 [in German] Space architect Waltraut Hoheneder and space architect René Waclavicek talk about their work.
Emily Naylor (producer). How are extraterrestrial spaces being designed? BBC sounds. 8.7.2024. Ella Al-Shamahi talks to space architects Barbara Imhof and Melodie Yashar.
Leporello, Büro Liquifer: Wohnen im Weltraum, ein Gespräch mit Waltraut Hoheneder, Ö1 2.7.2024
Nicola Eller. AusstellungsTIPP. LIQUIFER. Living Beyond Earth / Galerie Rauminhalt, ORF 30.6.2024
TTTech #IMPACT25 Panel: Safety in human space flight – the astronaut’s perspective, Dr. Emma Gatti, Editor in Chief of SpaceWatch Global, Dr. Norah Patten (aeronautics engineer and Citizen Scientist Astronaut Candidate) Carmen Possnig (MD and ESA reserve astronaut), and Barbara Imhof (space architect, professor & CEO LIQUIFER) explore the human perspective on safety in space, from medicine to psychology, training, and spacecraft (or habitat) design. Youtube, TTTech 26.6.2024
Nikolaus Täuber. Astronauten besiedeln Mondorbit-Habitat mit Austro-Expertise, APA, 7.6.2024
Marie-Therese Mürling. Vision einer Forschungsstation auf dem Mond, ZIB Magazin. 7.6.2024
Nicola Eller. Ausstellung: Architektur im Weltraum. ZIB 13:00, 3.6.2024
Fabio Meneghella, We design space habitats, KOSMO MAGAZINE article published 6 May 2024
Monika Fischer interviews Barbara Imhof for the Austrian broadcasting station Radio Klassik. Leben im All, 6. March 2024, 17:30 (in German).
Walter Titz, Iglus aus Mondstaub sind keine Lichtjahre entfernt, Kleine Zeitung, Graz, 3. March 2024 (in German)
Space architecture. LIQUIFER featured in the Welt TV documentary Weltraumarchitektur. View [in German] on youtube under the permanent link >
‘Streets on the moon’: lunar dust could be ‘melted’ to make solid roads. Scientists say challenge of building moon base on dust could be overcome by heating it with giant lens, by Hannah Devlin, Guardian, 12 Oct 2023
How to make roads on the Moon, by ESA, 12 Oct 2023
Roads Can Be Built on the Moon, Laser Experiment Shows, 12 Oct 2023
We could make roads on the moon by melting lunar dust, 12 Oct 2023
Die Architektin für Mond und Mars, The Architect for moon and Mars [text in German], Martin Stepanek, Der Standard, Forschung Spezial, 20.9.2023, p.27
This is how we will live on the moon and Mars
Houses made of dust, inflatable space stations and greenhouses for hostile places: Viennese space architect Barbara Imhof designs buildings for space, by Martin Stepanek in Der Standard 24.9.2023
PAVER and EDEN ISS project mentioned in “The multidisciplinary world of space habitation design. The work of the IAF space habitat committee.” By Volker Maiwald, Julie Patarin-Jossec, Olga Bannova, Maria-Antonietta Perino, Sandra Häuplik- Meusburger. p. 31 ff, ROOM, August 2023
What it’s like … designing living spaces in outer space. René Waclavicek was interviewed about his role as a Space Architect for the June issue of Austrian politics and culture magazine Datum, where he spoke about how he originally got into the field [text in German]. June 2023
Space Designer. The LIQUIFER team discuss extraterrestrial ideas and sustainable ideas for outer space and Earth with Signature Magazine [text in German]. February 2023
Infinite Expanses. Space Architects Barbara Imhof and René Waclavicek show their lunar modules to OFR. February 7
KulturMontag. The space architect Barbara Imhof shows the lunar modules of LIQUIFER in a segment on Infinite Expanses in OFR’s Culture Monday. Watch from 23:50 here. [DE]
February 7
Chapter. Architektur im Weltraum: Die LIQUIFER Systems Group plant und entwirft Weltraumhabitate. February 2022.
Wie Wiener Architekten ein Raumschiff lebenswert machen [How Viennese architects make a spaceship worth living in], Franziska Bechtold interviewed the LIQUIFER team for Futurezone. 2 September 2021
Those Space People. How space architects design human habitats for Moon and beyond, Barbara Imhof interviewed by Rachana, podcast, 7 March 2021
KAP A podcast about art, culture and architecture. The pioneers of space architecture, Barbara Imhof, Waltraut Hoheneder and René Waclavicek in discussion with Birgit Eller Krumm, 6 March 2021
Vytah mag. The recipe for a better humanity – a better moon base by Igor Zacek & Adam Gala, 19 January 2021
Humans of Space, Barbara Imhof: Austrian space architect, creator of habitats, designer, Barbara Imhof interviewed by Niamh Shaw, podcast, 28 October 2020
Madame Wien. Architektur am Limit ohne Schwerkraft by Astrid Kuffner, (English Version), July 2020 These twin rovers might explore the moon together one day by Chelsea Gohd, January 2020.
Design Portrait – Diners Club Deutschland. Wohnen hinterm Mond by Michaela Veit-Wailzer, January 2020.
sky news. Ten tech predictions for the decade ahead: What will happen by 2030? 6 January 2020.
2019 The Space Missions to Watch in 2020 by Elizabeth Howell, 31 December 2019.
APA-Science Newsletter 22/2019. Sehnsuchtsort Mond, 29 May 2019. / Ö1-Wissenschaft. Österreichisches Wohndesign für neue Raumstation by Isabella Ferenci, 4 December 2019.
Heise online. Forscher wollen Prototypen für Gewächshaus auf Mond und Mars bauen, by Janet Binder, dpa, 23 August 2019.
MONDWoche with LIQUIFER. ORF 2, 15 July 2019, 22:30 / Magazin, ORF 2, 19 July 2019, 17:30 / Ö1, Gedanken, 21 July 2019, 9:05 / Quantensprung SPEZIAL, ORF 3, 21 July 2019, 20:15.
OÖNachrichten / Wirtschaftsraum OÖ. Oberösterreichs Beitrag zur Erkundung des Weltraums, by Dietmar Mascher 13 Juli 2019.
Die Presse. Der Garten Eden im ewigen Eis darf weiterblühen, by Wolfgang Däuble, 24 May 2019.
Radio Slovakia International (Radio broadcast). Slovakia’s first-ever space industry conference, (interview with Barbara Imhof, min. 2:45), 2 April 2019.
Architektur. Aktuell / No. 469, April 2019. Architektinnen, Portrait von LIQUIFER Systems Group, pp 49, 94-103.
#UnknownTerritoriesRadio KCSB-FM 91.9 in Santa Barbara, California, USA. Extreme Architecture on the Radio, with special guest Barbara Imhof, 2 February 2019.
Grundkurs 3 Kunst – Architektur. Bildungshaus Schulbuchverlage, Westermann Gruppe, 2019. Schwebende Architektur, p.168.
European Space Agency (ESA) – space in images. Future Moon Base, 21 November 2018.
European Space Agency (ESA) – space in images. 3D-Printed Ceramic Parts Made From Lunar Regolith, 14 November 2018.
Space News feed. OHB awarded a study for 3D printing on the moon, 15 February 2018.
Die Presse. Weltraumball für Space-Fans by Teresa Schaur-Wünsch, 26 December 2017.
Die Presse. Ein Gewächshaus für das Leben im Weltraum by Alice Grancy, 29 September 2017.
Der Standard. Gewächshaus in der Antarktis simuliert Landwirtschaft im All, 16 August 2017.
3D Printing Media Network. RegoLight Project Uses Sunlight Sintering to 3D Print with Simulated Lunar Regolith, 12 July 2017.
Space 2017– Das aktuelle Raumfahrtjahrbuch mit Chronik 2016. Eugen Reichl. Publisher: VFR e.V., München. Chapter: Moon Village – Die Erste Siedlung auf dem Mond, introduction to project SHEE and interview with Barbara Imhof, pp.32-43. Book cover by René Waclavicek.
inhabitat. Living Bricks’ could turn sunlight and waste water into energy-generating bioreactor walls, by Tafline Laylin, 28 October 2016.
Austria Presse Agentur (APA). APA Science guest commentary. Üben fürs All – Österreich als kleine Analogforschungs-Großmacht, 29 September 2016.
Austria Presse Agentur (APA). APA-Science Newsletter 27/2016, Wissenschaft & Forschung. Weltraum-Gemüse aus der Antarktis – Generalprobe für All-Gewächshaus, 14 July 2016.
Der Standard. Salat aus dem intergalaktischen Garten Eden, by Karin Krichmayr, 13 July 2016.
NUVO magazine. Inquiring Minds – The SHEE Project. A self-deployable habitat by Shonquis Moreno, Spring 2016, p33.
Austria Presse Agentur (APA). APA-Science Newsletter 01/2016, Innovation & Technology. Selbstentfaltender Lebensraum für Astronauten, 7 January 2016.
Der Standard. Selbstentfaltendes Weltraum-Habitat in Wien mitentwickelt, 4 January 2016.
Scilog. Thinking across boundaries interview with Barbara Imhof by Margit Schwarz-Stiglbauer, 1 December 2015.
ROOM Space Journal. How to 3D-print a habitat on Mars by Aidan Cowley and Leo Teeney, Issue #3(5) 2015.
Plugnmake. From New York to Mars: NASA proclaims the winning designs of the 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge at World Maker Faire 2015, 28 September 2015.
DesignCurial. OUR FUTURE IS CAST IN LAVA, 13 October 2015.
Gizmodo. Space Igloos, Lava Tubes and Hobbit Holes: Here Are Our Future Martian Habitats by Maddie Stone, 29 September 2015.
The Telegraph. Technology: Picture Gallery. LavaHive – Top 10 Mars habitats from NASA space habitat challenge.
Telepolis. Das Weltraumwurfzelt für eine Mond- oder Marsmission, interview with Barbara Imhof by Hans-Arthur Marsiske, 27 September 2015.
Popular Science. 8 Printable Martian Habitat Designs That We Want to Live In by Sarah Fecht, 16 September 2015.
DesignCurial. The SPACE ELEVATOR by Katherine Houston, 31 July 2015.
The Indian Express. The Not So Blue Sky by Vandana Kalra, 28 February 2015.
Hindustan Times. How about a trip to outer space by IANS, 26 February 2015.
Ö1. Ab ins All – Vom Nutzen der Weltraumforschung by Ulrike Schmitzer on Radiokolleg. Barbara Imhof featured in conversations: Mars exploration – 26 May 2015 / International Space Station – 27 May 2015
Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Lauter Kleine Dinge: Die Astronauten sind selbst Teil des Experiments, podcast interview with Barbara Imhof by Martin Böttcher, 25 October 2014.
Der Standard. QUER Architektur und Leben im urbanen Raum. Made in space, interview with Barbara Imhof and René Waclavicek by Louise Wolf, 13 December 2013.
Aerospace America. Mining, habitats lead space architecture work, by David Nixon, December 2013, p. 67.
THE VIENNA REVIEW. Space à la Suisse, interview with Barbara Imhof by Lanay Tierney May 2013, p.12.
Forbes TECH report. Far Future Of The Living Room, interview with Barbara Imhof by Bruce Dorminey, 29 April 2013.
Architektur – Fachmagazin. Arbeitswelten von morgen . LIQUIFER featured in Abgeschirmt im Büro oder Weltraum – Getaway Office. 5 January 2012
Heise – Telepolis. Das Weltraumwurfzelt für eine Mond- oder Marsmission, interview with Barbara Imhof by Hans-Arthur Marsiske, 27 September 2015.
OBVIOUS Magazine. Arquitetura espacial: conheça a sua casa em Marte by Débora Vieira.
Architektur magazine. Deployable Getaway – Office – work environments – synergies between working in space and on earth, interview with Waltraut Hoheneder, Kaspar Vogel and Barbara Imhof, December 2011.
Aerospace American. Space Architecture, by David A. Nixon, December 2012, p.57.
okto TV – Supernova. Polar Stern Award, 6 June 2011.
ORF 2 – Wien Heute. Komfort im Großraumbüro, 12 September 2010.
ARCHITEKTUR. Ausklinken in andere Sphären, by Karin Krichmayr, 7 September 2010.
ORF 1 / Dimensionen /Die Welt der Wissenschaft. Researching Artists: New ways of Art-based Research by Ulrike Schmitzer, 4 May 2010.
Die Presse. Ideen für die Unendlichkeit, interview with Brent Sherwood and Barbara Imhof, by Norbert Philipp, 21 March 2010.
Der Standard. Schöner wohnen im All by Karin Krichmayr, 2 December 2009.
Austria Presse Agentur (APA). Im Wohnzimmer der Astronauten, by Mario Waserfaller, December 2009.
Magazine: Institute for Architecture, University of Applied Arts. ARCHITECTURE LIVE VI – ALUMNI NETWORKS-REVISITED, May 2009.
KREATIV. Ein Hoch auf die Siesta, by Ameilie Znidaric, 9 August 2009.
Departure Vienna’s Creative Industries Look/Book 2008 – Alle Facetten des kreativen Wiens. Deployable Getaway Project, editors: Dorothea Köb, Heinz Wolf, Verlag: Verlag für modern Kunst Nürnberg, ISBN: 978-3-940748-94-2.
Forschen und Entdecken Nr. 03/2008. Deployable Getaway-Office featured in Möbel für den gesunden Büroschlaf, p.25.
Der Standard magazine: Capacity. LIQUIFER [SPACE] ARCHITECTURE, March 2007, Nr.9, p.6.
European Space Agency (ESA). Schöner Wohnen Jenseits Des Blauen Planeten, 1 March 2007.
Welt Am Sonntag. Schöner Wohnen Im Weltraum, #6, 11 February 2007.
DOMUS No.899. Space Tourism, Space Architecture, by Matteo Palmisano, January 2007.
3SAT, Phoenix, Deutsche Welle, BBC. Space Architecture – Architektur für den Weltraum, by Matthias Widter und Ulrike Schmitzer.
PEN MAGAZINE No.205 INTO THE SPACE, portrait of LIQUIFER Systems Group, by New Attitude, JAPAN 8/1, July 2007, p.78.
Wiener Künstlerplattform OKTO – Q202 (Film). VISION, portrait of LIQUIFER Systems Group by Herbert Kogler and Mischa Reska, 28 June 2007.
Deutsche Welle. Spacearchitecture, portrait of LIQUIFER Systems Group and interview with cosmonaut Franz Viehböck, March 2007.
Indian Architect and Builder. Connecting Space and Earth, by Namita Goel, March 2006, p.99.
BauNetz. Planen für die Schwerelosigkeit, by Oliver Elser, January 2006.
Grundkurs Kunst – 3 Architektur. Extraterretsiche Architektur, p 229. Michael Klant, Josef Walch. Bildungshaus Schulbuchverlage, Westermann, Schrödel Diesterweg
DWELL-Magazine. Being John Glenn(ovich) by Shonquis Moreno, December 2005 / January 2006.
Design Report. Zimmer im All, by Ernestine van der Osten, January 2005, p.26.
UNIVERSUM. Wie sich der Mond verfinstert, by Ivo Filatsch), Nr.4, April 2004, p.69.
GEO Spezial – Der Mond. Zimmer mit Erdblick, by Hans Zippert, 6 December 2003 – 7 January 2004, p.91.