

Human in the Loop: an evaluation process in support to the development of Gateway International Habitat
Di Guida, A.; Quaregna, A.; De Amicis, R.; Taddia, G.; Zakoyan, N.; Vagnone, F.; Imhof, B.; Waclavicek, R.; Gilbert, C.; Retat, I.; Weiss, P.; Makthoum, M.; Singh, N.; 75th edition of the International Astronautical Congress, 14-18 October 2024, Milan, Italy. IAC-24,E5,6,7,x88814,

LUWEX: Validation of Lunar Water Extraction and Purification Technologies for In-Situ Propellant. Brandić Lipińska, M.; Waclavicek, R.; Imhof, B.; Retat I.; Zabel, P.; Blum, J.; Boscheri, G.; Leluk, K.; Kiewiet, L.; Heitkamp, M.; Wache, H.; López, M.R.; Kreuzig, C.; Meier, G.; Brecher, J.N.;  Bürger, J.; Perellid, R.; Marchitellid, G.; Maida, F.; Fili, T.; Jurga, A.; Klimonda, A.; Szerzyna, S.; Cichońe, A.; Kowalewskif, J.; Podgórski, M.; Zieba, M.; Wojciechowicz, A.; Szwagierczak, J.; Wojciechowicz, A.; Krawczuk, S.; Orzechowski, J.; Hornung, W.; Krzaczkowski, P.; Sidorowicz M. International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Milano, Italy, 14-18 October 2024. IAC-24,A3,2B,6,x84180

Harmonise Recycling and Repurposing of Hardware for Moon and Martian Habitats. Schubert D.; Waclavicek, R.; Imhof, B.; Caltavituro, F.; Berg, M.; Ortega, M.; Andreev, M.; Celotti, L.; Brandić Lipińska, M.; Berlein, D.; Gilbert, Ch.; Makaya, A., International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Milano, Italy, 14-18 October 2024. IAC-24,A3,2C,15,984192

AIAA Associate Fellows, Class of 2024 | The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) announced managing director of LIQUIFER Dr. Barbara Imhof newly elected into the Class of 2024 Associate Fellows.


Laser melting manufacturing of large elements of lunar regolith simulant for paving on the Moon. Ginés-Palomares, JC., Fateri, M., Kalhöfer, E. Brandić Lipińska, M., Davenport, R., Imhof, B., Waclavicek, R. et al. Sci Rep 13, 15593 (2023).


Living Architecture: Metabolic applications for selectively programmable bioreactors, Hogle, M.; Hoheneder W.; Imhof B.; in Urban and Regional Agriculture Building Resilient Food Systems, ed.:Peter Droege, 1st Edition – December 3, 2022, ISBN: 9780128202869

PAVER – Contextualizing laser sintering within a lunar technology roadmap, Brandić Lipińska, M.; Davenport, R.; Imhof, B.; Waclavicek, R.;  Fateri, M.; Meyer, L.; Gines-Palomares, J. C.; Zocca, A.; Makaya, A.; Günster, J.; 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18-22 September 2022. IAC-22,A3,2C


Smart Resource Management based on Internet of Things to support off-Earth manufacturing of lunar infrastructures (SMARTIE), 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Imhof B., Waclavicek R., Davenport R., Sgambati A., Berg M., Daurskikh A., WEISS P., Sorschag R., Zimmermann B., Binns D., Gilbert C., Makaya A., IAC-21,A3,2A,16,x63381


Project TRAILER: Tandem of Rover and Associated Wain for Lunar Extended Roaming
70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Cyber Edition 2020. Authors: Weiss P., Gobert T., Peer M., Singh N., Chalal T., Beurthey T., Imhof B., Davenport R., Waclavicek R., Sonsalla R., Cordes F., Schulz C., Babeland J., Zwick M. IAC-20,A3,2B,17,x5861

Future Space Technologies for Sustainability on Earth
Authors: Ferretti S., Imhof B., Balogh W., In: Ferretti S. (eds) Space Capacity Building in the XXI Century. Studies in Space Policy, vol 22. Springer, Cham, 24 April 2020, pp 265-280
DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-21938-3_23

From ice to space: a greenhouse design for Moon or Mars based on a prototype deployed in Antarctica
CEAS Space J (2020). Authors: Maiwald, V., Vrakking, V., Zabel, P., Waclavicek R., Imhof B. et al.
DOI 10.1007/s12567-020-00318-4


Solar Sintering for Lunar Additive Manufacturing
Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Volume 32 Issue 6 – November 2019, Fateri, M., Ph.D.; Meurisse, A., Ph.D.; Sperl, M., Ph.D.; Urbina, D.; Madakashira, H.K.;  Govindaraj, S.;  Gancet, J., Ph.D.; Imhof, B. Ph.D.; Hoheneder, W.; Waclavicek, R.; Preisinger, C., Ph.D.; Podreka, E., Ph.D.; Peer Mohamed, M.;  Weiss, P., Ph.D., doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0001093

Interior configuration concepts for the Gateway i-HAB.
70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Washington DC, USA, 21-25 October 2019. Authors: Waclavicek R., Imhof B., Davenport R., Hoheneder W., Labidi M. IAC-19-E 5.1 – 49818

Greenhouse Design Concepts For Moon And Mars.
70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Washington DC, USA, 21-25 October 2019. Authors: Imhof B., Hogle M., Hoheneder W., Waclavicek R., Davenport R., Schubert D., Vrakking V., Zeidler C., Maiwald V., Zabel P., Dorn M., Fiore L., Rousek T., Rossetti V.  IAC-19.A1.7.5-51095



Using Solar Sintering to Build Infrastructure on the Moon – latest advancements in the RegoLight project.
69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October 2018. Authors: Imhof B., Sperl M., Weiss P., Preisinger C., Urbina D., Waclavicek R., Hoheneder W., Meurisse A., Fateri M., Gobert T., Mohamed M.P., Govindaraj S., Salini J., Madakashira H.K.  IAC-18.E5.1. x47746

EDEN ISS – from a simulation testbed to an advanced exploration design concept for a greenhouse for moon and Mars.
69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October 2018. Authors: Imhof B., Schlacht I.L., Waclavicek R., Schubert D., Zeidler C., Vrakking V., Hoheneder W., Davenport R., Hogle M.  IAC-18.B3.7. x 47710

CAPE (Climate Anticipation Personal Environment): Constructing the CAAS-WARDROBE.
69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October 2018. Authors: Fairburn S., Imhof B., Cunningham J., Mohanty S.  IAC-18-E1.9.14

URBAN: Conceiving a lunar base using 3D printing technologies.
69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October 2018. Authors: Sgambati A., Berg M., Daurskikh A., Imhof B., Davenport R., Weiss P., Mohamed M.P., Makaya A., Gobert T., Rossi F.  IAC-18.D3.3.7×42605

The Joy of Sets presents Capricorn Two: A Mars Mission Simulation.
69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October 2018. Authors: Popper, J., Imhof, B.  IAC-18,E1,9,4,x46455



Project Moonwalk: lessons learnt from testing human-robot collaboration scenarios in a lunar and Martian simulation.
68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Adelaide, Australia, 25-29 September 2017. Authors: Imhof B., Davenport R., Weiss P., Urbina D., Vögele T., Parro V., Hogle M., Nottle A., Royrvik J.  IAC-17-B3.6-A5.3.1

Robotic prototypes for the solar sintering of regolith on the lunar surface developed within the Regolight project.
68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Adelaide, Australia, 25-29 September 2017. Authors: Urbina D., Madakashira H.K., Salini J., Govindaraj S., Bjoerstad R., Gancet J., Sperl M., Meurisse A., Fateri M., Imhof B., Hoheneder W., Weiss P., Mohamed M.P., Prodeka E. 

Advancing Solar Sintering For Building A Base On The Moon.
68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Adelaide, Australia, 25-29 September 2017. Authors: Imhof B., Hoheneder W., Waclavicek R., Urbina D., Madakashira H.K., Govindaraj S., Gancet J., Weiss P., Mohamed M.P., Gobert T., Sperl M., Meurisse A., Fateri M., Preisinger C., Salini J., Lopez O.  IAC-17, C2.9.13, x37414

Art in Extreme Environments; Reflections on space Research from the first Antarctic Biennale Expedition.
68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Adelaide, Australia, 25-29 September 2017. Authors: Imhof B., Hannah D.  IAC-17,E5,3,9,x37172

Living Inhabitation Systems for Buildings on and off the Planet.
ECAL European Conference on Artificial Life, Lyon, France, 4 September 2017. Authors: Hogle M., Imhof B., Hoheneder W.



Future Space Technologies for Sustainability on Earth.
67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Guadalajara, Mexico, 26-30 September 2016. Author: Ferretti S., Imhof B., Balogh W.  IAC-16, D4,2,1,x35438

EDEN ISS: Human Factors and Sustainability for Space and Earth Analogue.
67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Guadalajara, Mexico, 26-30 September 2016. Author: Schlacht I.L., Bernini J., Schubert D., Zabel P., Montanari C., Ceppi G., Imhof B., Waclavicek R., Foing B.  IAC-16-E5.1.7

SHEE – a Self-deployable Habitat for Extreme Environments – Exploitation and lessons learnt from testing.
46th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July 2016. Authors: Imhof B., Nelson J., Madakashira H.K., Weiss P., Aabloo A., Ševčík D.

Analogues for Preparing Robotic and Human Exploration on the Moon.
SpaceOps 2016 Conference, Daejeon, Korea, 16-20 May 2016. Authors: Hoppenbrouwers T., Urbina D., Boyd A., Imhof B., Mohanty S., Weiss P., Diekmann A.



Analogues for Preparing Robotic and Human Exploration on the Moon.
66th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Jerusalem, Israel, 12-16 October 2015. Authors: Hoppenbrouwers T., Urbina D., Imhof B., Mohanty S., Weiss P., Diekmann A., Maurer, M.  IAC-15-A3,2A,4,x29824

Moonwalk – Human-Robot Collaboration Mission Scenarios and Simulations.
AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Space 2015 Conference and Exposition, Pasadena, California, USA, 31 August – 2 September 2015. Authors: Imhof B., Hoheneder W., Ransom S., Davenport R., Waclavicek R., Schwendner J., Höckelmann M., Schröer M., Vögele T., Weiss P., Taillebot V., Gobert T., Nottle A., Roberts M., Urbina D., Hoppenbrouwers T., Fossum K.R., Danielsen B.E., Parro-García V., Puente-Sánchez F. AIAA 2015-4531

Building the Test Bed SHEE – A Self-deployable Habitat for Extreme Environments Lessons Learnt and Exploitation Opportunities for the Scientific Community.
AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Space 2015 Conference and Exposition, Pasadena, California, USA, 31 August – 2 September 2015. Authors: Imhof B., Hoheneder W., Ransom S., Waclavicek R., Weiss P., Taillebot V., Gobert T., Osborne B., Nelson J., Gancet J., Rodriguez G., Salini J., Aabloo A., Kull P., Sevcik D., Gajdos P., Vajdak M., Doule O.  AIAA 2015-4401

FP7 FASTER project – Demonstration of Multi-platform Operation for Safer Planetary Traverses.
ASTRA 2015 – 13th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands, 11-13 May 2015. Authors: Allouis E., Marc R., Gancet J., Nevatia Y., Cantori F., Sonsalla R.U., Fritsche M., Machowinski J., Vogele T., Comin F., Lewinger W., Yeomans B., Saaj C., Gao Y., Delfa J., Weclewski P., Skocki K., Imhof B., Ransom S., Richter L.

Introducing EDEN ISS – A European project on advancing plant cultivation technologies and operations.
45th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Bellevue, WA, U.S.A., 12-16 July 2015. Authors: Zabel P., Bamsey M., Zeidler C., Vrakking V., Johannes B.W., Rettberg P., Schubert D., Romberg O., Imhof B., Davenport R., Hoheneder W., Waclavicek R., Gilbert C., Hogle M., Battistelli A., Stefanoni W., Moscatello S., Proietti S., Santi G., Nazzaro F., Fratianni F., Coppola R., Dixon M., Stasiak M., Kohlberg E., Mengedoht D., Buccieri L., Mazzoleni E., Fetter V., Hummel T., Boscheri G., Massobrio F., Lamantea M., Lobascio C.. Petrini A., Adami M., Bonzano G., Fiore L., Dueck T., Stanghellini C., Bochenek G., Gilley A., McKeon-Bennett M., Stutte G., Larkin T., Moane S., Murray P., Downey P., Fortezza R., Ceriello A.



The SHEE Project Self – Deployable Habitat For Extreme Environment Test-Bed For Analog Simulations.
ASTech International Conference Space Exploration, Strasbourg, France, 29-31 October 2014. Authors: Weiss P., Gardette B., Taillebot V., Gobert T., Osborne B., Nelson J., Imhof B., Hoheneder W., Ransom S., Waclavicek R., Gancet J., Urbina D., Aabloo A., Kull P., Sevcik D., Gajdos P., Vajdak M., Doule O.

The Moonwalk Project Astronaut-Robot Cooperation in European Space Analogue Simulations.
ASTech International Conference Space Exploration, Strasbourg, France, 29-31 October 2014. Authors: Weiss P., Gardette B., Taillebot V., Gobert T., Vögele T., Höckelmann M., Schwendner J., Nolte A., Roberts M., Imhof B., Hoheneder W., Ransom S., Davenport R., Waclavicek R., Urbina D., Hoppenbrouwers T., Fossum K.R., Parro García V., Prieto O.

Self-Deployable Habitat for Extreme Environments – Universal Platform for Analog Research.
AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Space 2015 Conference and Exposition, San Diego, California, USA, 4-7 August 2014. Authors: Doule O., Imhof B., Hoheneder W., Ransom S., Waclavicek R., Kull P., Aabloo A., Weiss P., Taillebot V., Gardette B. Gobert T., Gancet J., Letier P., Rodriguez G., Salini J., Nelson J., Welch C., Gajdoš P., Ševčík D.  AIAA 2014-4195

City as a Spaceship (CAAS).
65th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Toronto, Canada, 29 September – 3 October 2014. Authors: Fairburn S., Mohanty S., Imhof B.  IAC-14-E4.2.8.

Contemporary Human-Technology Interaction Issues in Space Architecture –A Position Paper.
65th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Toronto, Canada, 29 September – 3 October 2014. Authors: Peldszus R., Silva-Martinez J., Imhof B.

Operation Scenarios and Constraints for Joint Human-Robot Surface EVA Missions on Moon and Mars.
65th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Toronto, Canada, 29 September – 3 October 2014. Authors: Mohanty S., Imhof B., Nottle A., Vögele T., Schwendner J., Weiss P., Taillebot V., Gardette B., Gobert T., Nevatia Y., Urbina D., Fossum K., Parro Garcia V., Prieto-Ballesteros O.

Development of a Wheeled Bevameter as a Real-Time Terrain Sensing Instrument for Robotic Vehicles.
18th International Conference of the International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems (ISTVS), Seoul, South Korea, 22-25 September 2014. Authors: Richter L., Eder V., Hoheneder W., Imhof B., Lewinger W., Ransom S., Saaj C., Weclewski P., Waclavicek R.

Development of the FASTER Wheeled Bevameter.
European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2014, Centro de Congressos do Estoril, Cascais, Portugal. 07-12 September 2014. Authors: Richter L., Eder V., Hoheneder W., Imhof B., Lewinger W., Ransom S., Saaj C., Weclewski P., Waclavicek R.



Safe Long-Range Travel for Planetary Rovers through Forward Sensing.
ASTRA 2013 – 12th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands, 15-17 May 2013. Authors: Y. Nevatia, F. Bulens, J. Gancet, Y. Gao, S. Al- Mili, R. Kandiyil, R. U. Sonsalla, T. P. Kaupisch, M. Fritsche, T. Vögele, E. Allouis, K. Skocki, S. Ransom, C. Saaj, M. Matthews, B. Yeomans, L. Richter

Multi-Level Soil Sensing Systems to Identify Safe Trafficability Areas for Extra-Planetary Rovers.
ASTRA 2013 – 12th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands, 15-17 May 2013. Authors: W. A. Lewinger, F. Comin, S. Ransom, L. Richter, S. Al-Milli, C. Spiteri, Y. Gao, M. Matthews, C. Saaj

Improved Traversal for Planetary Rovers through Forward Acquisition of Terrain Trafficability. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Planetary Rovers Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany, 06-10 May 2013. Authors: Y. H. Nevatia, J. Gancet, F. Bulens, T. Voegele, R. U. Sonsalla, C. M. Saaj, W. A. Lewinger, M. Matthews, F. J. C. Cabrera, Y. Gao, E. Allouis, B. Imhof, S. Ransom, L. Richter and K. Skocki

Self-Deployable Habitat for Extreme Environments (SHEE) – An Investigation of Design and Construction Principles.
64th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Beijing, China, 23-27 September 2013. Authors: O. Doule, B. Imhof, W. Hoheneder, S. Ransom, A. Aablo, J. Nelson, V. Saleny, M. Ilzkovitz, J. Gancet, B. Gardette, V. Taillebot, P. Weiss.  IAC-13-D3.1.4



The Human Senses in Lunar Habitat Architecture.
63rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Naples, Italy, 1-5 October 2012. Authors: B. Imhof, W. Hoheneder, J. Burke



RAMA – Rover For Advanced Mission Applications.
61st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Prague, Czech Republic, 27 September – 1 October 2010. Authors: B. Imhof, S. Ransom, N. Frischauf, S. Häuplik-Meusburger, W. Hoheneder, S. Mohanty, K. Özdemir, R. Waclavicek

Deployable Getaway For The International Space Station.
40th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Barcelona, Spain, 11-15 July 2010. Authors: B. Imhof, W. Hoheneder, K. Vogel  AIAA 2010-6019



Survey of Past, Present and Planned Human Space Mission Simulators.
38th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), San Francisco, California, USA, 30 June – 2 July 2008.  Authors: Mohanty S., Fairburn S., Imhof B., Ransom S., Vogler A.  SAE 2008-01-2020



Getaways by Design: on Earth and in Space.
58th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), Hyderabad, India, 24-28 September 2007. Authors: Imhof B., Hoheneder W., Mohanty S., Vogel K., Waclavicek R.  IAC-07-E5.1.06



[Interior] Configuration Options, Habitability and Architectural Aspects for ESA’s AURORA Human Mission to Mars Study.
35th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Rome, Italy, 11-14 July 2005. Authors: Imhof B.  SAE 2005-01-2850



TransGravity: The Third Genre in Space Architecture.
34th International Conference of Environmental Systems (ICES), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, 19-22 July 2004. Authors: S. Mohanty, B. Imhof  SAE 2004-01-2370



European Lunar Base Concepts.
33th International Conference of Environmental Systems (ICES), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Vancouver, Canada, 7-10 July 2003. Authors: S. Mohanty, B. Imhof, P.J. van Susante  SAE 2003-01-2652

The Socio-Psychological Impact of Architectural Spaces in Long-Duration Missions.
33rd International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 7-10 July 2003. Authors: Imhof B.  SAE 2003-01-2537



Mars Surface Habitats: Architectural Designs and Concepts for Planetary Outposts.
31st International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Orlando, Florida, USA, 9-12 July 2001. Authors: Imhof B., Schartner H.  SAE 2001-01-2174